


Our mission is to support you in the development, optimization, production and procurement of your products and, together with our team in Espelkamp and our partners around the world, to provide you with prices and technologies that give you the greatest possible leverage for steady and sustainable growth.









Our services

We are the Swiss Army Knife of your company.

Product development

At the start of every product development, we work together to
with you to develop a concept for the realization of your product ideas. Sometimes the requirements and objectives are already very specifically defined, sometimes the customer only has a rough idea. The aim here is to jointly define the requirements and a cost framework.

In this phase, a product design is developed from the requirements for functionality, safety and usability. A good product design combines functional requirements with an appealing look and target group appeal.

Engineering is the technical core of product development. Produceability and manufacturing efficiency play a decisive role here. Optimization in design contributes to cost control and optimization of the production process.

Supplier management

Effective supplier selection helps to control costs and increase profitability. By monitoring and managing the best manufacturing partners for your products, we can ensure the quality of the goods and services delivered.

Professionally drawn up contracts with our partners guarantee us and you the required product quality and ensure that the law is on your side even under difficult conditions.

By monitoring and managing suppliers, we can ensure the quality of the goods and services supplied. We continuously monitor supplier performance to ensure that it meets the agreed standards.

A professional risk assessment helps to identify and minimize risks in order to ensure the continuous supply of high-quality products. We take care of the identification and mitigation of risks in supplier management.

Organization & Logistics

We look for optimization opportunities along the entire supply chain in order to minimize costs and increase efficiency.

We analyze and optimize all transport processes to ensure punctual and cost-effective delivery. Guaranteed import reliability is particularly important to us.

We help you to manage your stocks efficiently and ensure optimum warehousing. With our own storage capacities, we can offer additional services and ensure optimum provision.

Well-organized processes strengthen competitiveness. We constantly analyze and structure joint business processes in order to increase efficiency and productivity.

Production monitoring

Quality control measures in production are already planned during the product development phase. For example, the use of Automated Optical Inspection (AOI), certain end-of-line inspections or other quality assurance measures.

During production monitoring, your products are already checked during production. CMC employees or certified testing institutes monitor ongoing production on site and take random samples. This allows deviations to be rectified quickly and directly. The product quality remains constant and in line with the quality specifications. The production environment, such as production plants, storage facilities, machines and personnel, can also be inspected and optimized in this way.

The produced goods are checked on site by a certified partner or CMC employee before dispatch. This ensures that defective goods are not shipped in the first place. The product-specific test plans are drawn up in close consultation with the customer. In addition to the general quality specifications, special properties and parameters can be specifically checked.

Product qualification

We test the delivered product samples in our test laboratory at our headquarters in Espelkamp to ensure compliance with the specifications and quality requirements. Deviations are recognized immediately and clarified directly with the supplier. Only when the sampling is flawless is approval given for series production.

When launching a new product on the European market, product safety and conformity with EU standards must be ensured. We commission and manage the necessary tests and evaluate test reports provided by upstream suppliers.

In addition to product conformity, there are further requirements regarding operating instructions, packaging and disposal that must be observed. If required, we can provide you with a complete documentation package and take care of the packaging design.

Product conformity

Product conformity is important to ensure that your product complies with applicable standards and regulations. This mainly concerns the EU directives on product safety, EMC, REACH, RoHS and ecodesign. Depending on the type of product, however, other standards may also be important. We support you in determining the necessary guidelines, standards and laws and in selecting the appropriate procedures.

Independent testing institutes check compliance with the normative requirements and confirm this with test certificates and test reports. We determine and commission the necessary product tests for you. Test reports are often already provided by the upstream supplier. We review these documents and compile them into technical documentation.

A product idea needs protection to become a successful product. We advise you on protection options for product ideas and support you in the areas of patents, utility models, designs and trademarks.

Quality assurance

The basic quality requirements are defined during the development of a new product and the appropriate internal and external testing and assurance procedures are established.

We check compliance with the technical specifications and quality requirements of the initial and test samples supplied in our test laboratory. Deviations are detected at an early stage and can be clarified directly with the suppliers.

The incoming goods inspection takes place in our test laboratory. Here we can carry out all relevant mechanical, electrical and photometric measurements directly in Espelkamp. This gives our customers the certainty that all quality and safety requirements are always met.

Brand building

We take care of all aspects of your brand development, from customized web design and appealing print materials to a well thought-out social media presence. Our experts not only design your online platform, but also develop impressive point-of-sale materials, product packaging and more. Rely on our experience and creativity to turn your brand into an unforgettable experience. Let us accompany your company on the road to success together - from the digital sphere to the tangible point of sale!

We take care of all aspects of your brand development, from customized web design and appealing print materials to a well thought-out social media presence. Our experts not only design your online platform, but also develop impressive point-of-sale materials, product packaging and more.

Rely on our experience and creativity to turn your brand into an unforgettable experience. Let us accompany your company on the road to success together - from the digital sphere to the tangible point of sale!


In today’s business world, long-term partnerships and mutual trust are the cornerstones of sustainable success. Our collaboration is based on these principles, allowing us not only to build stable business relationships, but also to grow together and develop innovative solutions.

Our services

We explain the importance of the services we offer.

Why a well thought-out product design is crucial.

Product design plays a central role in modern industry. It not only influences the appearance of a product, but also its functionality, user-friendliness and market success.

  • User friendliness

    A user-friendly design improves the user experience and increases satisfaction.

  • Efficiency

    A well thought-out design can reduce manufacturing and operating costs.

  • Competitive advantage

    An innovative design can set your product apart from the competition and strengthen your market position.

  • Brand loyalty

    A well thought-out design can encourage customers to remain loyal to your company.

Recognition value and trust through successful brand building.

Brand building is the process by which a brand develops an unmistakable image, identity and recognition value.

  • Trust

    An established brand creates trust among consumers. Trust is crucial for the long-term success of a product.

  • Differentiation

    A strong brand stands out from the competition. It allows your product to stand out in a crowded market.

  • Customer loyalty

    Customers identify with a strong brand and become loyal followers. Repeat purchases and positive word of mouth are the result.

  • Increase in value

    A strong brand gives your product a higher value. Consumers are willing to pay more for products from brands they trust.

Why is supplier management crucial?

In today’s globalized economy, effective supplier management is crucial to ensure the smooth and reliable procurement of goods and services. It is the key to cost control, quality assurance and strengthening your supply chain.

  • Cost control

    Effective supplier management helps to control costs and increase profitability.

  • Quality assurance

    By monitoring and managing your suppliers, you can ensure the quality of the goods and services supplied.

  • Risk reduction

    Professional supplier management helps to identify and minimize risks in order to ensure continuous supply

Why production monitoring is necessary.

Production monitoring is a crucial process in the manufacturing industry, ensuring that your products meet the highest quality standards and that production processes run efficiently. This step is crucial to ensure the quality of your products and control costs at the same time.

  • Quality assurance

    Continuous monitoring of production ensures compliance with quality standards and the avoidance of quality defects.

  • Cost control

    By monitoring production processes, costs can be controlled and efficient methods identified.

  • Legal compliance

    Strict regulations must be observed in some sectors. Production monitoring ensures that all regulations are adhered to.

Reduce costs through professionally managed logistics & organization.

Logistics and organization are essential in today’s business world to ensure efficient and smooth processes. These key elements not only help to optimize costs, but also to increase customer satisfaction and strengthen your competitiveness.

  • Cost optimization

    Efficient logistics and organization make it possible to reduce costs and waste of resources.

  • Customer satisfaction

    A smooth process from production to delivery ensures satisfied customers.

  • Competitive advantage

    Well-organized and efficient processes help you stand out from the competition.

Testing and measuring the products

In product development, testing and measurement is a crucial step to ensure that your product meets the highest quality and compliance standards. This process not only enables quality assurance, but also plays a key role in regulatory compliance and certification.

  • Quality assurance

    Testing and measuring enables product quality to be checked and assured. This contributes to customer satisfaction and the avoidance of product defects.

  • Conformity and certification

    An essential part of product certification is testing and measurement to ensure that your product meets the required standards.

  • Continuous improvement

    Through regular testing and measurement, potential for improvement can be identified and utilized to increase efficiency and quality in production.

  • Market approval

    Many markets and retailers require certified products to be stocked on their shelves. Without a certificate, access to important sales channels may be denied.